WESD Yamhill Center Remodel
WESD is a student-centered organization that helps support and provide programs to 21 of Oregon’s school districts, the children, or their families in need of special education, school improvement, or technology services. The WESD’s Yamhill Center Remodel included various areas and departments within the building including Behavior Intervention Program, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education, Evaluation Center, and general Staff Offices.
This project focuses on reconfiguring the Behavior program area, which was identified as significantly dysfunctional in its layout and space utilization. The space needed to facilitate easy flow for children and staff to navigate through the existing building, while taking into account existing shear walls and other untouched spaces. The new program includes six classrooms, reset spaces, offices, a conference room, shared restrooms and storage. The design creates a safe, calming, and welcoming environment that is also a functional and versatile space. This flexibility will accommodate for each year’s dynamic needs and allow for future growth.
Location: McMinnville, OR